Beauty will save the world - is a phrase known to all as the one which says that beauty requires sacrifice. The second sentence is more realistic. It is 100% corresponds to reality. To look beautiful is necessary to sacrifice something - time, finances, comfort and effort. For the sake of beauty woman haircuts, style their hair, make-up, extend nails, sitting on a diet, increase and decrease the different parts of the body, etc. All of these efforts are delivered results, but each of us must remember the basic rules of beauty that many people do ignore. Do you want to smell like a morning flower? Then follow the 7 rules of beauty.

 Get enough sleep

Sleep and beauty are closely linked. A good rest of the body is possible only in a dream, when not only relax the muscles but also the brain, which is the main link in the body straining.

Rest leads to normal emotional state appearance of the skin. None of the cream is not able to pull up the person as healthy sleep, the lack of which is expressed sagging skin and the appearance of wrinkles.

 Remove makeup

Never go to bed with make-up, otherwise you will not get from a dream all his favor. The facial skin will not be able to relax as much as possible and to be fed with oxygen, as its access to the body will be closed cosmetics.

Maintain the water balance

The fact that a person is 80% of the water every schoolboy knows. Water participates in all processes of the body. And this water should be sufficient. In addition, the water should be qualitative rather than sweet drinks. Moisturize your skin from the inside - it is vitally important. The hotter the outside, the more water you should drink. Average daily rate - 1.5 liters of water. Clean. Not in the form of tea, coffee, fruit compotes and liquid soups - just a simple crystal-clear water.

Moisturize your skin

The inner skin moisturizing necessarily as external. For external humidification modern cosmetic industry has a wide range of vehicles. Choose according to the type of skin, as well as part of the body to be moistened. By the way, you need not only moisturize the face and neck, chest, arms, legs, buttocks, in general, the entire skin.

It is best to apply moisturizer after bathing or washing that will help keep acquired during water treatment moisture and add to it what is found in cosmetics.

Eat a balanced

A balanced diet makes a person beautiful on the inside. No wonder they say that we - that's what we eat. Do you want to be physically fit? Then stop absorb tons of cakes, pastries, meats, fast food, chocolate bars and chips. All this destroys your body and clogs, because this food is nothing else like garbage and trash with empty calories and lack of nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Eat fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, including in the diet of foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.


Exercise prolongs life, because they themselves are life. Better shape, train the muscles that support the skin's elasticity and prevent sagging through sports. Choose the most suitable for you sport training and devote at least two days a week, and not the whole, and in 1.5-2 hours.

Calm, just calm!

Stress and nervous breakdowns - the enemies of beauty, because during them the most important organs receives more blood than necessary. And it's not leather. It just suffers from the outflow of blood, which takes vital oxygen. As a result, the skin turns yellow, which is a negative reaction to the least negative factors.

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