We bring you the 7 most useful products on the planet.

 Apricot. This is absolutely, at first glance, the usual fruit, contains in its structure a large amount of beta-carotene. This item will neutralize active negative effects of free radicals. Here, for example, avocados, helps to reduce bad cholesterol and increase the number of lipoproteins. And all this is due to the content of unsaturated fats and oleic acid.

Raspberry. This delicious berry contains acid cell adzhika. This element helps to overcome cancer diseases, as it contains vitamin C. But, unfortunately, not as much as in mango. This exotic fruit antioxidant content of up to 57 mg. Vitamin C helps prevent the development of arthritis, rapid healing of wounds and, of course, strengthens the immune system.

 Cantaloupe. In this product the amount of vitamin C 117 mg is presented and it is only half a melon. Also, it has a composition of beta-carotene, which in turn protects the cells of the body from the negative effects of the environment and activities of free radicals.

 Cranberry juice. This drink is an excellent tool for the control of infectious diseases, which are held in the bladder and prevents their further development. In one glass of cranberry juice contains 114 calories, but it has no fat or carbohydrates.

 Tomato. This juice contains lekopen, and this is one of the most powerful carotenoid, and its effect is similar to operation of antioxidants. As shown by numerous studies, this vegetable reduces the risk of diseases of the bladder, stomach, and colon cancer. But this effect is only possible when the daily use of the drink.

 Raisins. This product is the principal source of iron, which helps to circulate oxygen to tissues. But the fig tree is the main source of potassium, carbohydrates, vitamin B6, which is involved in generating serotonin, better known as the "hormone of pleasure."

Artichokes. This is not quite familiar to us, the product in its composition contains a huge amount of silymarin, which belongs to the group of antioxidants. It, in turn, significantly reduces the risk of developing cancers of the skin, and contain fiber regulates the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

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