Kingfishers are polygamous, they may have two or three "wives" and a bunch of chicks from each, but as male kingfisher - bird responsible, they feed all their offspring. They feed their fish, which are caught in a unique way.

1. Adult male kingfisher sitting with a fish in its beak on the sign "forbidden to fish''.

 2. Joe Peterburg - photographer «National Geographic» Hungary - won first place at the exhibition «World Press Photo» in the category of 'wilderness' for your photo hunting kingfisher. We offer you a few more of his fantastic images. 

 3. kingfisher dives into the water. Excellent frame with reflection in water. 

 4. Kingfisher appears out of the water since the roach in its beak. Since very rapid metabolism birds each day they have to eat the food weight which is equal to 60% of their own weight. 

 5. Parents (mostly males) have to catch a lot of fish to feed the offspring (usually 5-7 chicks). 

 6. Moreover, males are polygamous kingfishers, which means that they can be 2-3 companions, and each - chicks from him. 

 7. Kingfisher holds in its beak fish intended chicks. Kingfisher always keeps the fish upside down when feeding chicks to the fins do not hurt small necks. 

 8. The male kingfisher feeding chicks in the nest, which is located at the end of a long tunnel. Parents do not need to think chicks that give , the food - the best gift is difficult to think. While waiting for the food chicks sit in a circle. As soon as one of the chicks receiving food, circle "rotates", so that no one is offended. (REUTERS / Joe Petersburger / National Geographic)

9. Just fish caught trying to escape. Kingfishers catch prey, and then hit his head on the perch fish to kill her and break bones. (REUTERS / Joe Petersburger / National Geographic)

 10. kingfisher shakes off water. (REUTERS / Joe Petersburger / National Geographic)

 11. The male kingfisher dives into the water to catch fish. (REUTERS / Joe Petersburger / National Geographic)

 12. This Kingfisher unlucky - he caught nothing. (REUTERS / Joe Petersburger / National Geographic)

13. Kingfisher flies to the nest with fish for their offspring. (REUTERS / Joe Petersburger / National Geographic)

14. Camera Joe Peterburg captured kingfisher, rushing to the surface of the water. (REUTERS / Joe Petersburger / National Geographic)

 15. Kingfisher sitting on a branch with Agile frog in its beak. (REUTERS / Joe Petersburger / National Geographic)

 16. At sunset kingfisher sits above the water surface to catch prey in its beak. Somewhere in the distance run sky lanterns . (REUTERS / Joe Petersburger / National Geographic)

17. The male kingfisher perched on a bank with fish (apparently, the photographer, in the nearest future is the creation of sites of kingfishers, decided to reward him for his great photos). (REUTERS / Joe Petersburger / National Geographic)

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