Nightmares in pregnant women, a phenomenon quite common. And before you start to worry about it should understand why they appear. Most of the bad dreams of pregnant women for two reasons: physiological discomfort and psychological fears.
Main nightmares pregnant:

 1.Son of painful labor.

This is the most common nightmare in pregnant women. Such dreams are provoked by fear of childbirth as an event in front of strangers and psyche in such a case all the "colors" in a dark color. Such dreams are terminated as soon as a woman stops panic afraid of childbirth. Some psychologists suggest that such dreams are caused by memories of his own birth.

 2.Son of physical ill health of the baby.

Pregnant women can dream a dream in which a child is born with external deformities. However, it is the embodiment of your feelings about the baby's health. In this case, will only complete confidence that you and your baby is healthy, go to the doctor, and make sure that you and the baby all right.

 3.Son of water.

Dreamed of water - is the embodiment of your frequent experiences of the baby, because it is before birth in the amniotic fluid.

 4.Eroticheskie dreams.

In all trimesters of pregnancy may be erotic dreams, they can be caused by various reasons:

Internal protest the fact that the sexual life is planned to break;

Increased sexuality, because at this stage can not be protected;

Many women "sexy" is revealed during pregnancy.

If you have limited the opposite sex life, and desire is manifested in dreams.

In any case, the erotic dreams there is nothing wrong and dangerous. Treat them quietly.

 5. Dreams about "growth" in width.

Catastrophic weight gain in a dream - a dream is basically just the future mums who are extremely concerned about the changes in her figure. Although the severity and swelling can also cause similar dreams.

 6. Getting rid of nightmares.

First of all, determine the cause of such dreams. Watch yourself, if such dreams occur after a busy day or during the day if you were bad (toxemia and preeclampsia), the consequence of your nightmares is a physiological reason. In the case where there is no such connection, then surely the reason your subconscious fears and experiences.

7. Remove the whole burden of nightmares you can use the simple rules:

Before going to bed perform exercises for pregnant women;

Take a relaxing shower before going to bed;

Enter in your daily routine evening walks;

It is not necessary to eat before going to bed at night;

Often listen to classical music. Just remember nightmares during pregnancy - is first and foremost your fears. embodied in a dream.

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