Modern people spend a lot of time behind a computer monitor, laptop or TV. All this is very detrimental effect on our vision, so in the 23-25 years, many girls and young people already use contact lenses or glasses. And this is in the best case, as many students can not boast of 100% vision. To avoid this problem it is necessary to enrich your diet the following products:

 1.Markov. All is well that this bright vegetable necessary to preserve vision and immunity. Carrots are primarily valued for its high levels of beta-carotene - the pigment that gives the vegetable so bright and saturated. But that's not all, beta-carotene successfully fights macular degeneration of the retina and cataract.

 2.Zhirnye varieties of fish. These fish should include sardines, salmon, mackerel and others. They contain unsaturated fatty acids omega-3, which are essential for the treatment of dry eye syndrome. They also prevent the development of macular degeneration by almost 40%.

 3.Zelen. To improve vision necessary to enrich your diet products such as celery, watercress, cabbage, spinach. All they enrich our body of lutein, an antioxidant, zeaxanthin, which have a positive impact on the view.

4.Kukuruza. Such a wonderful product perfectly not only affects the health of the eye, but also on the overall condition of the body. As in the greenery in this vegetable contains lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect our eyes from developing cataracts.

 5. Olive oil. So tasty and fragrant oil can enrich coleslaw, tomatoes, carrots. Also, it is added in the preparation of fish, meat. But remember that this type of oil contains a lot of calories. So you should stick around the action.

 6. Turkey. Such meats are not all used to use, but it contains the required amount of nutrients, which has a positive effect on the state of view. In turkey meat contains a huge amount of zinc, vitamin B. Moreover, this variety of meat refers to dietary products and will not affect your small waist.

7.Pomodoro. As in other vegetables contain tomato fiber, in contrast to all other vegetables, the product has vitamin C, lycopene, carotenoids, which are essential for the health of our eyes.

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