We present you 7 ways how to cheat age and look much younger than his years.

1.Protaras skin with ice. Daily skin rubbing an ice cube, will help maintain its tone, healthy color. This result is explained by the fact that the cold causes a rush of blood to the face, reduces pores, tightens the skin. Stimulation of blood circulation improves metabolic processes, and this for a long time to protect your skin from aging.

 2. Vitamin A. This element enriches our skin, stimulates regeneration and cell renewal. Vitamin A in liquid form can be purchased at any drug store, it should be easy to add to your night cream and everything is ready miracle cure. But do not overdo it, for the usual jars of cream will be enough 2-3 drops per day.

 3. Peeling. On our face over time are dead parts of the skin that do not miss the interior of nutrients. Therefore, they should get rid of them and the best modern means is peeling. It quickly and effectively removes dead cells, nourishes a new layer of skin with active elements.

4. Sun. Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause premature wrinkles, age spots and aging. Therefore, get yourself a cream with SPF-content filters. Winter enough with a protection factor of 15, and the summer will need more powerful tool, but it all depends on your skin type.

 5.Uvlazhnenie. In order to achieve the desired result using anti-wrinkle cream, you should regularly moisturize the skin. The best means for humidification is hyaluronic acid, glycerol and lanolin. Also, before you apply the cream, you can simply spray the face with mineral water.

6. Antioxidants. The main function of antioxidants is to protect against negative environmental impact, neutralizes free radicals that contribute to damage to skin cells. Therefore it is necessary to enrich your diet: grapes, blueberries, spinach. Also, get yourself a cream with coenzymes Q10, vitamins C and E, as well as extracts of green tea or pomegranate.

7. Bath. The main feature of the bath is a pull-up, purification, expansion vessels and tissue oxygenation. After this procedure, the skin becomes smooth, updated, tightened. Also, the skin a beneficial effect temperature contrast.  

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