In this article we want to share with you a unique recipe of face cream that you can prepare in your kitchen. After all, natural beauty products contain only natural ingredients and known to you.

 1.Voskovo-oil cream. Take 10 g of water, 15 g of vegetable oil, 3 g of beeswax. First melt the wax on a steam bath, mix it with oil and water. Then it can add a variety of vitamins such as A, E, F, D. You can also enrich the cream of aloe juice and infusions of various herbs.

 2. Margarine cream. To cook it you take: 50 g margarine (but if there's butter, you can take it), 2 egg yolks, 1 tsp honey 2-3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 tsp glycerol, 10 drops of vitamin A (oil solution), 2 tbsp. l. camphor alcohol, ¼ cup of chamomile. First, melt the margarine with a steam bath and add the oil. After add the honey and glycerin, gradually rub the yolks. At least add the camphor alcohol and chamomile tea.

 3. Cream of the grandmother. Take the 5 egg yolks, 100 grams of vegetable oil, 5 g of borax and the juice of half a lemon. First we need to grind proteins in which you need to slowly pour the vegetable oil and lemon juice. Buru poured into the last turn, but before it should be diluted in a small amount of boiling water.

 4. Cream of yolk and honey. To make this cream take: 2 egg yolks, 1 tsp honey, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. l. glycerol, 2 PDE camphor alcohol, 100 g of water. Rub the yolks with butter, add the liquid honey, glycerin and honey. The resulting mixture was poured into a bottle and thoroughly shaken. After add the camphor alcohol, and all good shake.

5. Nobles homemade cream. Prepare: the juice of half a lemon, 2 tablespoons cucumber juice, 50 grams of fat sour cream, 25 g of alcohol, 25 g of rose water, 1 egg yolk. All the ingredients are mixed thoroughly and add alcohol and cologne.

 6. Vegetable cream. To do this, we need to be plants with medicinal and cosmetic properties: the leaves (fresh) currant, birch, parsley, rowan, nettle and rose, and then they have to be crushed. Also take 50 g margarine, 10 grams of wax, 1 tbsp vegetable oil, vitamin A. Wax Melton a steam bath, and after all the ingredients and mix in the end, add vitamin A.

7. Fruit cream. For the preparation of such a tool you need to take 2 tablespoons of mashed fruit or berries, all what you have; 2-3 tablespoons of melted bone marrow; 1 egg yolk; 1 tsp honey; 1 tsp vegetable oil. all ingredients are thoroughly mixed, then add 1 tablespoon camphor alcohol.

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