10 Wonderful ways to create a romantic atmosphere

If you want to set the scene for an evening of romance, than there is more to it than just turning down the lights. With a little effort and not a lot of money, you can make any setting a romantic one with some planning and preparation, so read these 10 ways to create a romantic atmosphere and create the mood of love:

1. Tidy up

It’s hard to feel romantic when you can’t find a space to sit down for all the clutter left lying around. Have a good clean up before your romantic night in and don’t forget the bathroom either, that can kill the mood if it’s not clean too.

2. Turn off the phone and avoid distractions

An ill-timed telephone call from one of those annoying telemarketing companies will instantly ruin the moment, so switch all your phones to silent and let voice mail take care of any calls for the night.

3. Check your thermostat

Whatever the time of year, you don’t want the location of your romantic evening to be either too hot or too cold, so make sure the heating is on in the winter or the air conditioning is working in the summer. The key is to make someone feel comfortable, not have them sitting with their coat on all night long.

4. Think about the romantic lighting

Subdued lighting always helps to create a romantic atmosphere, but not too dark, or you won’t be able to see what you are eating or even find your date. Candles will give you the soft glow that will create the perfect atmosphere, but be safety conscious with them, you don’t want any accidents.

5. Background music

Music too creates the ambiance that you need for romance, so chose your music wisely. Soft melodious tunes are the best. Get the volume right, so the music doesn’t get in the way of the conversation, and don’t necessarily go for really popular songs or you could end up paying more attention to the music, than to each other.

6. Flowers

Flowers can brighten up any room and guys can appreciate them too. They bring a little bit of the outdoors indoors, but remember that a few, well placed flowers will look much better, than a whole flower shop.

7. Prepare everything in advance

If you’re having a meal, then make sure that everything is prepared in advance, so you don’t spend half the night in the kitchen. Also, make an effort to the table and put out your best crockery and colour co-ordinate the table arrangements where you can. The extra effort will be appreciated.

8. Fragrances

Our sense of smell is stronger, than you think and it can really impact on a mood. You can fragrance the moment with scented candles or a plug-in air freshener, and make sure that there are no unpleasant smells lurking in the bathroom and there’s no garbage that hasn’t been taken out.

9. Talk about nice things

Keep the topics of conversation light and uncontroversial. Depending on how well you know the person, you might want to steer clear of anything like religion, politics or any other topic that might wreck the moment.

10. Have fun

Most of all, remember that this night is about you and your special guest, so make sure that you get plenty of relaxed time together to talk. Try not fuss over the person, like constantly getting up to get them another drink. Relax, be yourself and enjoy your romantic evening.

Do you have some other tips on how to create a romantic atmosphere? Feel free to share them in the comment section below.

Stay happy!

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