Look at the world in a new way to help contact lenses. Most people, however, are afraid to wear them, because we know that the lenses can hurt. Try to understand these fears justified or not.

Wearing contact lenses has a bad effect on your eyes

For manufacturing of lenses using biocompatible materials. Their analogues are used in almost all branches of medicine. These materials are able to pass enough oxygen, which is necessary for the metabolism of the cells of the cornea. This implies that the lens does not impede breathing eyes. Subject to the rules of the lens care plan replacement and wearing the correct mode will bring not only comfort, but also to correct vision is absolutely safe for health. Contact lenses are used according to the doctor's recommendations.

 Contact lenses are capable of infecting the eye

Cause infections contact lenses can not. Eye may become inflamed in case of lenses with unclean surfaces, pathogens enter there. This problem may occur only due to improper handling of lenses or poor hygiene. Infection can be avoided if properly care for the lenses and regularly disinfected. Frequent change lenses good for your health. Subject to the terms of replacement lenses are worn comfortably and will not cause allergic reactions.

 Contact lenses are able to move behind the eyeball

Getting a contact lens inside the eye socket is physically impossible. The lens is located on an eye at its front surface. If she moves, only under the eyelid. The eye has a natural protective barrier that surrounds the eyeball and the lens does not pass into orbit. 

Sudden movement threatens contact lens loss

 Anatomy of the human eye eliminates this possibility. Holders of contact lenses is permitted to engage in almost all sports. Swimming is an exception, the lens can swim away from the eye. The diameter defines the force which restrains the lens on the cornea. Only an ophthalmologist can determine the diameter, so the choice of lenses you need to trust the professionals.   

The presence of contact lenses prohibits the use of cosmetics

Use makeup, wearing contact lenses is permitted. However, there are a few rules to follow. When choosing makeup, better to give preference to that on which there are marks "for sensitive eyes", "approved by an ophthalmologist," "gippoalergennaya." These funds are gentle and more forgiving. Eye irritation can be avoided by using a non-greasy, water-soluble cosmetics. Impose costs after putting on make-up lenses. Before you wash off makeup be sure to remove the lens. During use, aerosol is desirable to close the eyes to the surface of the lens does not hit droplets.

To contact lens care requires a lot of time

Health eye depends primarily on the proper lens care. The use of multifunctional solutions greatly simplifies maintenance. The most convenient way to clean and disinfect the lens, if you put them on all night in a special solution.

Planned replacement contact lenses does not necessarily make

When wearing lenses should strictly abide by the terms of replacement. Material determines the life of the lens. Time is calculated very carefully for each lens. Failure to comply with the terms of replacement contact lenses in the carrier may be a problem with vision. After the set time, the lenses accumulate bacteria and sediments from lacrimal fluid, which may cause eye irritation or inflammation.    

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