Genitalgiya - a disease found only in women, which is accompanied by painful sensations in the genital area that occurs during intercourse.

 Such pain is often caused by inflammatory processes that have emerged in the genitals. Also cause discomfort can become infectious diseases or injuries of the female reproductive system.

There is also the main reason should also include psychological factors. But in this case such a disease is not accompanied by pain, and ants, itching, stinging and shooting pains in the abdomen and in the vaginal area.

 In modern medicine, there are several varieties genitalgii: genitalgiyu "waiting", the friction period, regardless of sexual intercourse, frustration. Often the pain occur during sexual intercourse or orgasm is a stub. Much less common pain when administered to a member of the vagina and the time of frictions.

 If the disease is caused by mental disorders can also be a sign of diseases such as koitofobii and vaginismus. Often characterized gentalgii psychogenic neurotic conditions, which are symptoms of hysterical neurosis. Also, the disease may manifest pain in the pelvic area. These symptoms are most likely to be caused by sexual violence that women suffered during puberty or early childhood.

 Diagnosis of gynecological diseases occur on the basis of the history and clinical picture, taken from the words of the patient. The physician should determine the cause of that cause this disease, so they can engage and instrumental and laboratory diagnostic tests. May also need to consult doctors in related fields with gynecology.

Preventive measures of this disease can be timely treatment and prevention of infectious diseases of the reproductive system of women, avoidance of violent sexual acts, adequate treatment of psychological disorders.

When treating genitalgii caused by psychological factors, please refer to psychotherapeutic methods. In such treatment completely reversed the negative attitude of women to sexual activity.

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