1. Tigers are fighting at the zoo in Yangzhou in China. (Photo: REUTERS)

 2. giraffes in Botswana, South Africa. (Photo: Michael Polisi / Barcroft)

 3. Little lamb on the farm in Sussex. (Photo: REX)

 4. Playful Pandas at the zoo in Hangzhou, China. (Picture: Barcroft)

5. Gorilla celebrates her 24th birthday at the Wild Animal Park in Kent, UK. (Photo: Rex)

 6. Bengal tiger cubs playing with their mother at the zoo in Buenos Aires in Argentina. (Picture: Barcroft)

 7. Polar bear pressed against the mother. (Picture: Caters News)

 8. Siberian tiger at the zoo in Shenyang. (Photo: Rex Features)

 9. Zebra named Jumbo (left) plays with his mother in a zoo in Germany. (Photo: AP)

10. Bengal tiger cub playing at the zoo in Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Photo: Natasha Pisarenko / AP)

11. Sparrow in search of food in Kathmandu, Nepal. (Photo: AFP)

12. Brown Bear Masha and her cubs peek out of the cave at the zoo in Hamburg. (Photo: EPA)

13. "Spider Monkey" at the zoo in Antwerp, Belgium. (Photo: Reuters)

 14. A man feeds a crocodile meat chunks in Karachi, southern Pakistan. (Photo: Reuters)

15. People watch cockfights in the Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture in China. (Photo: Reuters)

16. Bear resting at the zoo in Berlin. (Photo: AFP Photo)

17. A spokesman for the zoo keeps flamingos at the zoo in Miami. (Photo: AP)

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